What is AWS Simple Storage Service(S3)?
AWS S3(simple storage service) is similar to Storage disks or External disks but it is web-based Cloud storage. It is an infrastructure, which is a service solution where we can store files. AWS S3 is working bucket concepts where we can add multiple buckets and upload files in buckets. But these files will be treated as Objects, not as files. We can virtually store any kind of data in any format. We can upload/store unlimited data or number of objects. Individual Amazon S3 objects can range in term of size from a minimum of 0 bytes to a maximum of 5 terabytes. It means we can upload a file whose size can be 0 bytes to 5 terabytes. The largest object to be uploaded can be of 5 gigabytes. AWS S3 stores objects in key-value pair concept, it is like an associate array in terms of programming. It means whenever we upload objects, we need to provide a unique key to store that object. That key can be any string and later this key can be used to retrieve the data. AWS S3 also pr...